Instructional Delivery Method

The following types of instructional methods are used at the University of Pennsylvania:

Banner Code Instructional Method Description
AL Active Learning Course content is taught in-person using active learning methods.
CL Clinical Based Learning Course content includes a clinical instructional component.
DM Dissertation/Masters Enrollment for advanced graduate students who are researching and writing a dissertation or thesis.
FW Field Work Field experiences that are sometimes integrated with classroom learning.
HY Hybrid Course content is delivered through a combination of online and in-person methods.
IC In Class (in-person) Course content is delivered in person (such as in a classroom).
IN Internship Professional experience pursued for career exploration and development which may earn academic credit.
IS Independent Study Individual study of a specialized topic or research area supervised by an advisor or a faculty member for academic credit.
OL Online Course content is delivered online through asynchronous and/or synchronous methods.
RS Research Course content includes participation in research.