Request Verification Letter

The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) provides advance registration, enrollment, and degree verification for current students and alumni of the University of Pennsylvania. There is no fee for this service except for express mail service if requested.

Enrollment verifications are not provided for future terms. If a student has advance registered for a future term, an advance registration verification letter can be provided. Enrollment verifications are provided on or after the first day of a term. Please check the academic calendar for term dates.

Please allow five to seven business days to process your request. During peak times of the year, such as the start and end of a semester, please allow seven to ten business days to process your request.

Advance Registration Verification Letter

Provided when a student has participated in advance registration, and schedules are posted via Path@Penn. This letter type should only be requested for future terms.

Who should I contact?Email Office of the University Registrar (OUR) with a subject of Advance Registration Verification Letter Request
What information should I provide in the request?
  • Full name
  • Penn ID number
  • Recipient information including individual or institution name, email, mail, or fax number where you would like the document to be sent

Please note: Current or incoming first-year students should submit requests via their Penn email address.

What information will be in the letter?A standard advance registration verification letter includes a student's name of record, degree(s) or program(s) being pursued, program major(s), minor(s), concentration(s), and expected graduation date.

Dean's Certification Letter for Law School

Please visit Career Services for more information.

Degree Requirements Completed Before Degree Conferral

Provided for graduating students in advance of degrees being conferred on student records.

Undergraduate Programs

Who should I contact?


Doctoral & Research Master's Programs

Who should I contact?


Professional Programs &    Non-Research Master's Programs

Who should I contact?

If you are enrolled in a professional program in one of the following schools, please contact your academic advisor, program manager, or school registrar for support.

  • Annenberg School of Communication
  • College of Liberal & Professional Studies (LPS)
  • College of Liberal & Professional Student Online (LPS)
  • Graduate School of Education
  • Penn Carey Law School
  • Perelman School of Medicine Medical Master's and Certificates
  • School of Arts & Sciences
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • School of Engineering & Applied Science
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Social Policy & Practice
  • School of Veterinary Medicine
  • Stuart Weitzman School of Design
  • Wharton School

Degree Verification Letter Request

Provided for conferred degrees only.

Who should I contact?Email Office of the University Registrar (OUR) with a subject line of Degree Verification Letter Request
What information should I provide in the request?
  • Full name at the time of attendance
  • Penn ID number (if known)
  • Month and Year of your date of birth (DOB)
  • Name of school(s) and/or program(s) attended
  • Dates of enrollment; if unknown, please provide approximate dates
  • Recipient information including individual or institution name, email, mail, or fax number where you would like the document to be sent

Please note: Never provide your social security number in an email.

What information will be in the letter?A standard degree verification letter includes a student's name of record, degree(s) or certificate(s) conferred, program major(s), minor(s), concentration(s), and degree conferral date(s).

Enrollment Verification Letter Request

Provided for current and past terms only.

Who should I contact?Email Office of the University Registrar (OUR) with a subject line of Enrollment Verification Letter Request
What information should I provide in the request?
  • Full name 
  • Penn ID number
  • Recipient information including individual or institution name, email, mail, or fax number where you would like the document to be sent

Please note: Current students should submit requests via their Penn email address.

What information will be in the letter?A standard enrollment verification letter includes a student's name of record, degree(s) or program(s) being pursued, program major(s), minor(s), concentration(s), and expected graduation date(s).

Special Investigator Requests

We strongly encourage Special Investigators and other government employees to use DoD Safe when requesting transcripts. DoD Safe links should be sent to Release forms should not be directly emailed as they may contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as Social Security Numbers (SSN).

If your unit does not use DoD Safe, please email for support.

Third-Party Verification Requests

Penn has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide enrollment and degree verifications. Third-party education verifications are required to go through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). 

Click here to place a request via the National Student Clearing House (NSC). Penn’s school code is 003378