Third Party Verification Requests
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The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) does not manage or maintain records of the following programs:
Coursera Certificate Programs
Penn Medicine Graduate Medical Education (GME) Residency or Training programs
Perelman School of Medicine, Medical Doctor (MD) Program
Wharton Executive Education Certificate Programs
Penn has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide enrollment and degree verifications. Third-party education verifications are required to go through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).
Current Enrollment
Please submit either a current enrollment request for students who are currently or continuously enrolled. Submitting a degree or attendance request for students who have not yet earned a degree will lead to delays in enrollment confirmations. Ensure to include all personally identifiable information (DOB, SSN, and former names) provided by the student in a single request. Make sure to select the correct degree level. Inputting the incorrect data will result in a rejection of the request.
Click here to place a request via the National Student Clearing House (NSC). Penn’s school code is 003378.
Degrees & Attendance
Please check the graduation date of the student or alum before placing an order. If the person is expected to graduate on a future date, please submit an EnrollmentVerify request. Ensure to include all personally identifiable information (DOB, SSN, and former names) provided by the student or alum in a single request. Make sure to select the correct degree level. Inputting the incorrect data will result in a rejection of the request.
Degrees are conferred three times a year in May, August, and December. The degree checkout process can take up to 30 days from the end of the term to complete as schools verify all requirements have been met.
Records of alumni prior to Fall 1988 require longer research time.
Click here to place a request via the National Student Clearing House (NSC). Penn’s school code is 003378.
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Transaction Disputes
If you have already placed a request via the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) and require further assistance, please contact the NSC directly via email at or through this online webform.
Special Investigator Requests
We strongly encourage Special Investigators and other government employees to use DoD Safe when requesting transcripts. DoD Safe links should be sent to Release forms should not be directly emailed as they may contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as Social Security Numbers (SSN).
If your unit does not use DoD Safe, please email for support.