Diploma FAQs for Graduating Students
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The following are frequently asked questions regarding diploma processing.
Please note:
- For holds, visit the Holds on Student Records & Accounts page.
- For questions concerning degree checkout and degree conferral process, please contact your academic advisor(s) or program manager(s).
- For issues with Path@Penn, please contact the SRFS Student Service Center (SSC) via email at pathatpenn@pobox.upenn.edu.
Follow the instructions outlined in the Diploma Checklist for Graduating Students.
Contact diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu with questions or concerns.
Diplomas are issued three times each year (May, August, and December).
- The diplomas of May graduates are expected to be mailed in late July.
- The diplomas of August graduates are expected to be mailed in mid-October.
- The diplomas of December graduates are expected to be mailed in March.
A paper diploma will be mailed to your diploma mailing address in Path@Penn. Graduates receive an email from info@cecredentialtrust.com about access to a Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma).
If you absolutely require a diploma for employment or travel purposes, we offer early certified electronic diplomas (CeDiploma) for an extra cost.
Please note the following before you place an order for an early CeDiploma:
- Your degree(s) must be awarded before submitting an order with payment. Please check your unofficial transcript via Path@Penn and search for the “Degree Awarded” section. If the “Degree Awarded” section does not appear on your unofficial transcript, your degree has not been awarded/conferred, and you cannot pre-order a certified electronic diploma (CeDiploma).
- After you have confirmed that the “Degree Awarded” appears on your unofficial transcript, you may submit a request for early processing of your certified electronic diploma (CeDiploma). Premature or erroneous submissions will be refunded after 90 days.
- The last day to order an early diploma for May graduates is Saturday, May 31, 2025. This is currently not available for May graduates. We will provide an update on this page when the service becomes available.
- The processing timeframe is typically 10-12 business days.
- The cost for an early CeDiploma is $75.
Please note: If you are a graduate who wants a CeDiploma for each degree, please place separate orders for each awarded degree.
Diploma names are submitted for printing on diploma(s) via the Graduation Application. Once submitted, you cannot change or revise the application. To review information submitted on your Graduation Application(s):
- Log into Path@Penn.
Click the “View my student profile” link:
Click the “Active” link under the Graduation Information section:
The Graduation Application(s) you submitted will open in a new tab. Please review the information carefully.
Important: The first name(s) and last name(s) on your diploma(s) must match the legal first name(s) and legal last name(s) of your student records. Your diploma(s) will not be printed until the first name(s) and last name(s) match. Names will appear exactly as entered. If you would like a period (.) after your Middle Initial(s), please make sure to include it in your submission.
Submit a Diploma Name Change form with the required documentation. Forward the confirmation of the request completion email to diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu
Important: The first name(s) and last name(s) on your diploma(s) must match the legal first name(s) and legal last name(s) of your student records. Your diploma(s) will not be printed until the first name(s) and last name(s) match. Names will appear exactly as entered. If you would like a period (.) after your Middle Initial(s), please make sure to include it in your submission.
Note: Graduation Application(s) will not reflect this update.
Submit a Legal Name Change form with the required documentation. Forward the confirmation of the request completion email to diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu
Important: The first name(s) and last name(s) on your diploma(s) must match the legal first name(s) and legal last name(s) of your student records. Your diploma(s) will not be printed until the first name(s) and last name(s) match. Names will appear exactly as entered. If you would like a period (.) after your Middle Initial(s), please make sure to include it in your submission.
Note: Graduation Application(s) will not reflect this update.
Diploma mailing addresses are submitted for shipping diploma(s) via the Graduation Application. Once submitted, you cannot change or revise the application. To review information submitted on your Graduation Application(s):
- Log into Path@Penn.
Click the “Update my personal information” link:
Scroll down to the Address section of the screen and click the pencil icon under the Diploma Mailing address:
- Edit your diploma mailing address and click Save.
Note: Graduation Application(s) will not reflect this update.
- Log into Path@Penn,
Click “View my student profile” link:
Click the “Holds” section in the upper right-hand corner:
Click the triangle icon to view holds information:
- Only a Diploma Hold, a Financial Hold, and/or a Judicial Hold can prevent your diploma from being mailed.
- Update Required Information holds will not prevent the mailing of your diploma.
- If you see the message below, no action is required.

Information on how to remove holds on student records and accounts can be found on the Holds on Student Records & Accounts page.
For questions or concerns, contact the correct office listed under each hold type on the Holds on Student Records & Accounts page.
The name on your transcript is the legal name on file in the student record system, i.e., your Student Record name. If you’ve legally changed your legal name, please submit a Legal Name Change request, then forward the request completion confirmation email to diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu.
For GNBT students, if you have not yet updated your legal name, please contact our office via email at diplomas@pobox.upenn.edu.
December 2024 graduates can purchase secure shipping until Wednesday, January 15, 2025. This deadline has passed.
For May 2025 graduates: a different purchase opportunity will be available closer to Commencement.
When ordering secure (express) shipping at the webpage above, please ignore the first two boxes ('Requested Items' and 'Pre-Arranged and Confirmed Special Request').
Once your diploma is ready for shipment, you will receive an email with the tracking number. Make sure to submit the correct mailing address on your shipping request form.
Yes. After you have confirmed that your degree(s) have been awarded on your unofficial transcript via Path@Penn, you have the following options:
- National Student Clearinghouse, for a small fee, your employer can verify your degree.
- Office of the University Registrar’s Degree Verification Letter, Unofficial Transcript, or Official Transcript.
No. Diplomas are mailed with a generic English translation and a letter from the President. Display accessories are available at the Penn Bookstore, or any store that offers framing.
The size of the current diploma is 9 5/8 inches by 12 1/4 inches.
The University of Pennsylvania diploma has been printed in Latin since its first graduating class in 1757.
Yes. You can order an English translation online by following these steps:
- Online: If you know your PennKey and password*, you can order an electronic English diploma translation using the online request form.
- Downloadable Form: If you do not know your PennKey and password*, please download and complete the Application Form for an Electronic Diploma Translation (PDF) and submit your payment via check or money order (payment and mailing details can be found on the form).