Path Forms Submitted by Students

Academic Program Requests

Form name AudienceForm description
Add Masters for PhD StudentStudents and/or Administrators

Request to add a research master's degree (MA or MS) for PhD students ONLY

It can also be used when a research master's is already on a PhD student's record but unable to apply for graduation via the Graduation Application.

Certificate RequestStudents and/or AdministratorsRequest to add or drop an in-program certificate.
Declare/Update Field of Study Students and/or AdministratorsRequest to declare or update a major, minor, or concentration.
Grade Mode Change (formerly known as Grade Type)StudentsRequest to change a course to pass/fail or to standard grading options. This form is used after the Add/Swap registration deadline.
Internal Transfer/Dual DegreeStudents and/or Administrators

Students: Request to separate from a dual-degree program.

Administrators: Submit a request on behalf of a traditional undergraduate for an internal transfer or dual-degree program.

Max C.U. IncreaseStudents and/or AdministratorsRequest an increase in the number of course units (CUs) for which a student can register in a given term.
Withdraw From a CourseStudentsRequest to withdraw from a course.

Petitions and Exceptions

Form NameAudienceForm Description
College PetitionsCollege (SAS) students

Contact a College advisor at

More information:

Nursing PetitionsAll Nursing studentsRequest an exception to Nursing policies not related to registration
Registration Changes                                                  
  • Undergraduate students in SEAS and Wharton
  • All students in LPS and Nursing
Request an exception to University registration policies.
Undergraduate SEAS PetitionsUndergraduate SEAS studentsRequest an exception to SEAS policies not related to registration
Undergraduate Wharton PetitionsUndergraduate Wharton studentsRequest an exception to Wharton policies not related to

Student Record Data

Form NameAudienceForm Description
FERPA Opt-OutStudents and recent alumniManage your privacy settings related to your directory information with third parties. Please ensure to read the details to understand what opting out means for you.
FERPA Opt-Out Form (PDF)Pre-2010 AlumniSubmit a request form (PDF) for Penn to withhold directory information from third parties. 
Initial Entry of Social Security NumberStudentsRequest an update to your critical Social Security Number data.
Student Data Update StudentsRequest an update to your critical data such as legal name, Social Security Number, marital status, date of birth, diploma name, and citizenship or immigration status.

Transcript Forms

Form NameAudienceForm Description
Transcript Request Form - Fillable PDFStudents or Alumni
  • The paper transcript request form is intended exclusively for individuals who are unable to submit a request through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).
  • This form is fillable using Adobe Acrobat.
  • Once completed, the form must be printed and mailed along with the required payment.
Transcript Request Form - Print & FillStudents or Alumni
  • The paper transcript request form is intended solely for individuals who are unable to submit a request through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).
  • This form must be printed, completed, and submitted by mail along with the required payment.

If you have questions about any of these forms, you can contact the Office of the University Registrar (OUR).